Saturday, April 11, 2020

Tail swishing feral kitten trying not to bite myself...

There are watercolor clouds above the horizon, periwinkle blue and pink and lilac, and I watch crows land in the bushy, wide-girthed, earth mother tree that mushrooms out of the concrete, protecting our block.

My mao came today on a walk with us. I didn't know he was going to, and I guess A didn't either, but then walking to the gate he was all like "so, tell me about how you've been feeling," and I knew.

Processing deeply. Trying to sit with and bring kind patience to the parts in me that have felt so isolated and misrecognized, and respond like a feral animal to the proposal of collaboration. It's hard to feel this caged part of myself, because while the rest of me exalts at the idea of Altcorp and working with kittens, when it feels more real and immediate, as it does now, that feral part of me hisses and paradoxically wants to keep my distance.

It tells me that people have always hurt me and that it's no good to try to collaborate with them because they won't see me. That others are doing the work already and I'll be overlooked, drained, and unappreciated.

When it's up like this, I literally feel annoyed by the news that anyone is out there doing the work. Because it immediately ricochets back to "why am I not out there? why don't I get to?"

I have been trying to tell this wounded part that I hear what it's saying, and I know it's been trying to protect me. Sometimes it's hard, because I feel ashamed that part of me could feel like it, as if the Plan could be an isolated endeavor. But my mao tells me it's okay. That the path has been hard but that it'll get better, and I'm working through it. He says I know I am. I do know. These weeks have felt like an acceleration, a heightening of the inner work I've been doing for years, at once exciting and also super annoying.

It makes it almost easy to believe maos when they say that A's brother is coming in a month's time. Because that is what they've been saying (!).

Also, my mao affirms the Projector truths, says that we are meant to do glorious things, and that we don't need to make those things happen, they will come to us. He said that we are magnetic points for an interlocking system that is coming into being. For the "workers of the world" who will come to its call.

When he says things like this, hope rises in me and the hurting, grinding places come to a temporary halt, and I feel such a sense of ease. It's exhausting to fight with myself all the time, to resist these possibilities because of the resistance that's been planted in me, the capitalist and generator lies. The model minority striving that says - nothing is easy. Nothing comes that isn't hard-won. You have to take things into your own hands and beat the tremendous odds. Those things fall away for a moment, and there is a stillness of knowing another way.

Yet I am afraid that accepting this vision of ease & of calling kittens to us, would come out of egotism, which in turn comes out of the pain of not being seen. I.e. how do I know that when I feel the longing to lead that it's my path, vs. my wounded parts desperately trying to be worthy, and better-than? I am trying to be conscious of that pain of unworthiness in me, and work through it, and heal it.

This is my way of saying, Isabella, that I'm really excited about everything you wrote about in your last post. And also some of the things have been bringing up resistances and discomfort within me, and I'm trying to meet those things with love, and not shut them down. My mao says I should talk to you about it. But it does feel intense, because of that lingering inner judgment that I "shouldn't" feel these things. So this is my compromise - writing here, knowing you'll read it.

<3 Tessa

the view from our window when I started writing today...


  1. Thanks for sharing! And I definitely hear you. I have places in me too that feel like this. It reminds me of something you just wrote the other day that really inspired me. Also I totally love that you are getting affirmation about projector tragedy, trust your pull to even write and share it with us. Let me also recognize you, and how you are already showing up for the community, and doing work, yes even alt corp work right now, and as A just described Altcorp being a sythesizing agent that unifies the work of kittens, holds them, I see you helping to create that. In the post you your wrote where you said "we want to nurture the connection between your personal vision And the bigger picture of what we collectively need. There is such a beautiful sense of belonging that can come with knowing the piece of the puzzle you hold, and how your passion and longing can serve the whole" This is beautiful and reminds me of the people out there doing the work, opening up to their piece of the puzzle, and you called for that, and your working to create a space for that belief. It could even be seen as opening up to this more, letting go of the beliefs that feel unsafe to receive that reality in the external. Makes me feel how hard it is to receive what we want so bad, to believe it can actually come be manifested and true the things we want...that is a pattern you are working out in the most beautiful painful secret parts of you, i feel it and know that too, even you hold that with Earth in a beautiful un flowering. And that is just to say your response is beautiful, your movement is beautiful, your desire, your feelings, the way you move, is so beautiful day in and day out, creating your relation with community and reality. And I invite you to be curious about what is under these patterns, what is needed to let go, and welcome in your expansion of this energy. Thanks for not shutting it down.

    nesting you transformations, releases, deep breaths, deep reaches, with love, holding in community with the Earth, feeling how held you really are. peace

    1. Thank you for seeing me so deeply, Isabella. I'm really touched that you are quoting my post, and it's totally connected. "Makes me feel how hard it is to receive what we want so bad, to believe it can actually come be manifested and true the things we want." - so much yes to this. I think you've pinpointed what I'm processing and working through right now. An important thing to work through before tskmao comes! Thanks for that invitation to be curious, and for being part of what holds me. Breathing into your love and acceptance and recognition. <3 <3 <3

  2. aww tskmao! hehe I trust he will come! :)


Documenting my process of working with fear

I feel so weepy. So tired, so wretched, so heartbroken, but soft and strong below that. I'm going to do an Isabella suggested practice. ...