Monday, April 6, 2020

Yay Projector magics & inviting each other. Also, musings on a structure of flow.

Hi lovels, this blog is off to an amazing start, and I'm so happy that it's nourishing us all in needed ways. I'm excited to see what continues to emerge as we follow our threads and weave them together.

Fenix sent me an amazing article about Projector magic, and here's what the author says about Projectors interacting with each other:
"When we Projectors interact with and guide each other, we can be brilliant mirrors for each other in any kind of partnership - Parent/Child, Student/Teacher, Friends, Lovers, Business, etc. 
As Projectors, we need to learn to wait for the recognition that we are designed for. Remember you can invite each other as a Projector - use your Authority!"
I feel like our triangle has done this beautifully for each other, and this blog is the newest iteration of how we can continue to support, interact with, and guide each other. <3

The other thing the article talks about is how Projectors who are truly living their strategy are the causes of envy from every other type, because everything in our lives just flows. Things supposedly just "come our way" and we don't have to work for it or struggle for it like everyone else.

I definitely struggle to integrate this idea, partially because of my conditioning lol (life = ALL the struggles), and partially because of the whitewashing / transcendent glamour that I often see attached to Human Design people. But I do think there is an element of ease in there that is possible for us to find a way to. An element of de-conditioning ourselves from all the misrecognition we've gotten from generators our whole lives about what they think we should be doing / how they think we should do it.

Reading the article actually led me to go down a Human Design rabbit hole, and I've been steeping in resources about Projector design and wisdom and strategy. One podcast was talking about how it's easy for us to feel bad because we can't work "as much" as other types, but then she pointed out how deeply Projectors penetrate into Generator energy, really the energy of this planet, and how we literally are taking it into ourselves to understand and organize it. And the person was like, "no wonder we're tired! No wonder we can't work for more than a couple hours each day!"

*Sends recognition sparkles to all of us*

Honestly, I've been trying to write this blog post for three days now, lol, and I think my perfectionist tendencies have been kicking in, plus just feeling the heaviness, the resistance, of the energies right now. (It's almost the Full Moon, according to the Pattern app.)

So here is a visual depiction of "Structure for Flow", our tentative name for my future Altcorp department:

A and I have been talking about what my department even is. Because the other ones - Inner Alchemy and SCT - are pretty straightforward, at least as categories. But what is Structure for Flow? It's Education and Research, yes. But it really is the mental component of all the Altcorp work, the stuff that identifies patterns in each of the other departments' work and organizes it and articulates it, creating both internal cohesion and also building a bridge to the outside world. I think of it as the creation of the briefs that we're going to share, the presentations we'll make, the training programs we'll run. The curriculum of how SCT and Inner Alchemy work. The consulting. Heh.

*Feels gleeful about it, though also wistful, because I want it now.* I mean, I am doing a mini version of it now. We're all working on it. 

One of the ways I find myself doing this work is by organically and alchemically integrating bits of research that I see happening out in the world. This article, about the capitalist systems that produced Covid-19, is one example, which I want to say more about, but it's quite a dense piece, and is in the process of being translated by a poetic visionary writer. Hers is the writing that I'm truly interested in. 

This is another example that I found via FB the other day:

And when I saw it, this recognition dawned on me. Of context. So I reposted it with these words:
"The learning we are doing now is the learning chronically ill & marginalized folx have always done, in the slow times, through suffering and discomfort, on behalf of Everyone, without thanks or recognition. It is deeply necessary and time more people caught up with the “curriculum”.
Trust me to quote myself, lol. But I find the slipstream of collective attention fascinating, illuminating what people are thinking about in this time. And using pieces of that info to push against, to contextualize what is important to point out, the underlying patterns of what we three have been working on, towards the creation of Altcorp. Which will be at last a representation in the mainstream of what really matters, including ways of thinking and doing that are completely different to what has been privileged up until this point.

For example, the way you work with trauma healing, Isabella, which is not accredited or diploma'd by any institution (except the mao institution, hehe), but is so much more informed and holistic and loving than the vast majority of most therapists' understandings of these thing. I was just talking to Aaron and Porsha (the Holistic Resistance peeps! We're chatting every week now) about that, how you are the one I call when I need help working through intense activation.

And Aaron was talking about his radical project on "chronic undertouch" and with Black boys learning to heal their embodied experiences and come into community with each other. And he was like, when you mention therapy, the average Black dude on the street thinks of sitting on a couch across from a white woman wearing glasses. But what about a Black boy who heals in community for years who goes out and touches the lives of 30 other Black boys, who might otherwise be lost to poverty and criminal networks that prey on poverty, but who instead come back into connection with themselves and their potential? Is that not trauma healing? What is that, compared with these sterile offices with therapists sitting in armchairs?

Sitting with all this, breathing in the deep recognition, the way kittens are helping truth penetrate through the fog of illusions. The spells cast around society, their tenuous hold finally breaking as they fall away. It will take a network. A whole multifaceted community. To pull through and enact the structures of meaning that we deserve. That's my dream. A world where everyone can access the resources that they need. And I don't just mean the things we're fighting for politically now - healthcare, housing, etc. Those things are still happening in a mechanized context, and addressing material needs. If we all have secure housing and access to MD's... then what? We need care, belonging, community, loving relationships, meaningful work that heals our hearts. Let's co-create the context where this can happen - indeed, can replace the context we live in now.

Okay, now I'm seeing it. Structure of flow... literally, building structures where Love can flow through unimpeded. Well alrighty then. :)



  1. *hands clapping* That is helpful for me to see that too!

  2. Also this got me thinking... about what really needs to change, in order for us to share skills, and feel recognized by community. It is so funny partly the reason why I feel I can't/don't want to get accreditation or certification for healing trauma, is because I spend all of my time healing trauma lol. Knowing the in's and outs, and getting expert advice from the christ and the mother. Which I may not feel comfortable broadcasting out to the public. I often struggle with once It is time to make public offerings, how will I be trusted, when I do not have a long list of teachers/healers, schools, certificates to show.

    And that is exactly it, this gaze of what healing and therapy looks like, what education or even mastering something looks like needs to be transformed. In the collective but also ourselves, like what your friend is saying. How we are told what being a professional is, vs. what actual professionals look is an important conversation to continue. I feel like we were batting that idea a lot in restorying the root, and it was something I worked out with Zelaika too at Goddard, ended up writing my thesis about breaking mono-epistemologies.

    What comes to me though which I think is important for projectors as well is knowing our value, knowing our sills, our worth, and holding that in our magnetic body, because that will attract the invitation. And I can see us all working on that in our magnetic bodies, as we grow, and practice our unique skills and core philosophies.

    Still figuring out how to be a projector lol and laughing because I too have been "trying" to write a post for a few days, but the post is writing me from the inside out lol working it out though healing my heart to throat connection over here

  3. I love this, thank you for sifting through all of this knowledge and resources for us my boo! It's so helpful to have this framework, and I feel like we're all sinking more into as time goes by and we start to trust the flow of our Projector's so different from out mainstream culture's way of doing things, that it feels so hard to be with and trust and manifest sometimes, but the more we weave it into our understanding of ourselves, the easier I think it becomes.

    I feel love and compassion for the frustrations of my past self, trying to manifest Projector wisdom in a Generator world, and I want to send so much love to that boo who KNEW they had so much to offer but felt so confused and lost and frustrated by the ways they were expected to work.

    Love to Projectors coming into our own, changing the world around us as we realize who we are <3 <3 <3


Documenting my process of working with fear

I feel so weepy. So tired, so wretched, so heartbroken, but soft and strong below that. I'm going to do an Isabella suggested practice. ...