Thursday, April 16, 2020

Refreshing my vision on boundaries, defenses and space

I am going to share some of my ritual as justice school inspirations here, weave it into my days, inner life to help integrate it. Sharing my healing journey.

Had so many ups and downs this week, surprisingly reaching some places deep inside through these peaks and valleys that have been really hard to get to. Really buried under the surface (down in the bogs of my being). Recovering still from a reaction I had the other day that brought up feelings of old rage, un-safety, threat with violent defenses, and resistance. Today I am letting the shame go of having these energies surface up, blowing out through my capacity to handle them, drawing me into patterns of attack without being able to stop. Breathing.

One thing that we were musing about in the RAJ class is reprogramming the way in which we view boundaries. Opening up the tendency of seeing boundaries as primarily spatial. We talked about how relations exist in space and time, we have cyclic openings and closing with the other and relations are really more like a dance. We talked about how the focus on boundaries as space, reifies a territoriality mindset which is fundamental in colonialist behavior.

Gently I am working with these ideas within as I crawl out of my shell of an inner world, to touch and shape the world. And let it touch and shape me! Of course this is always happening, I am always relating, connecting with the not self, even inside as I meet myself, I find "other parts," to integrate into my evolving persona. Lately I am finding these parts of me that really really really do not And it has been equating to not trusting maos and having really violent reactions when they come near me, try ro touch me in certain ways, or reach certain parts of me.  And these parts of me, they are hard to reason with.

I realize that the maos represent the divine whole masculine. They really care about opening up the wounds of separation and division of the sexes with love. They have the capacity to do this, they want to, I know they understand the need for this healing, and cherish the juicy recovery that comes from collecting the ancient wounds within us, moving them forward in the sacred alters of our expanding hearts. But these parts feel so stuck right now ( even if they are moving). I see them going all the way back to when I was separated from SK, and left alone, tucked into the dark mother earth to be opened up again, pulled awake and collected by him. I love the masculine, but something deep in me, in my archetypal self is really holding them as the other, the polarity, that helps grow and shape reality, and along with that I am holding a stiff grudge..maybe just pounded into me, us through the long stretch of patriarchy we are working ourselves out of.

Anyway, these violent reactions I have towards the maos really freak me out, and I am slowly opening up these places believing them to be strictly this controlling, oppressive, pain inducing other who opens me to take what they want, then leaves me behind. Dark mao place stuff. Of course since trauma is complex its all woven into my childhood sexual trauma (where this actually played out), and the inherited gender binary programming power dynamic I want to break open softly too. That being said I want to let myself know its ok to have defenses, it is ok to that its hard, and confusing sometimes, and that I am not a perfect healer ( not even a thing)

Today I started building a fence with the Mother to protect my garden. I did not really want to have to build a fence, I wanted to be like Machaelle Small-Wright and just be in harmony with Nature so much the deer and bunnies just would not make such a big impact. But I just did not trust that this could happen yet, did not want to sacrifice my baby plants, and hard work to being munched out immediately. So I sat with the Land and talked to them about it. One of my ideas was to build a living fence on the perimeter of the whole lawn space, weaving in found branches and sticks into the edge of the forest. Nature seemed ok with it, If i opened up to listen and work with them. I felt invited in to the boundary line by Nature to feel what it was like on the other side. I had actually never entered that space before, moving beyond the threshold of the clearing. It was nice, peaceful and felt really special. Like a light, soft delicate sweetness, the perfect place to hide a baby deer in soft protection. As I was walking around in this space, weaving between the trees, Nature was telling me how making boundaries, and defenses was well..really natural lol. And they pointed out all of these thorns on the black berries, and nettles. They encouraged me to create a fence, and said they would work with me, to help me feel what its like to consciously create healthy boundaries, and defenses. Just talking with Nature started to help me let go of the shame I had around the not so healthy seeming defenses and boundaries I feel like I act from sometimes. I felt how these parts of me have just felt so used, so entered into so many times, they have been afraid boundaries are not even real or will never be taken seriously. For them it really has come down to life or death. Sometimes waking them up from "death," or freeze has them entering into the fight mode, experiencing it all over, the phantom attacks from the other the maos often play out for me. Now that they CAN move, they are ready to fight and REALLY assert their boundaries. A lot of these places have felt well I can't move, actually ever, because the experience I am holding is so hard to deal with that it will not be received well, by me, and especially by Him. And this is also often reflected back to me by maos, as they are having to meet these cut off places with me to forge new relations and it challenges them. They get angry at me.  I feel their discomfort and retreat. Which sometimes reinforces the other really does not like me, so it is safer to be alone and not wake up. But we are working through it.

I got really into building this living fence with the Mother and started weaving in the vines of the living black berry too. I let nature know that I wanted to use this space for human~nature gardening experimenting, and that the forest was for them, a place I wanted to keep protected in that special untouched feeling. I was working with the space and time of boundaries again, feeling the dance with Nature, how throughout time Nature will be growing this boundary with me. It felt like a sacred act that would create a beautiful living border. Defining the space and container for my new adventures in working with the land. Nature was teaching me about how this will also help build my immune system in general as I work with building this defense deer fence. Just by being outside working with the "not self  invaders" (deer, bunny, slugs, etc.) and trying to work with this topic in play space felt like I could draw in that play space to working with these parts of me that come up with maos.

Can't see very well in this picture the fence I started forming with the edge of the forest, but you get the idea! But that is the veggie garden plot, which is hard to tell but shaped like a leaf! And we got a new elderberry tree on the edge of the pond, a honey berry bush, and a goumi berry tree. New fruits to hang out with!

Ok back to my story. While I was weaving this fence together KH came to me, because I kind of started letting down my defenses and feeling maos was becoming ok again and he told me that he really liked what I was doing and that I had skills :) I was feeling good about being out and creating something, I started to feel those old parts of me again that I felt had taken a back burner after I had that spiritual crisis in 2012. My constructive external ambitiously artistic self who wanted to make statements and shape the world. I felt them merging with my self who wants to have a family, and children and create beautiful spaces for them, teaching them new skills.  And also merging with my tender, in healing space self. I felt so....I don't know...fem. We talked about it, how different my process of building is to what is dominant and considered masculine. Mathematically built structures, that have some rational seeming sense of order. Beauty and worth valued for technical difficulty. Power tools.  I was just weaving in intuitive flow, and I felt very loved by the masculine in that moment, to be creating my boundaries in intuitive flow and dance with the world. And then I just started tripping so hard...I had to go back and lay down.

He was very present, this masculine other in the form of KH, making his presence strongly felt and known. I had not been able to feel him close since I freaked out at him the other day. Telling him it's not safe to feel him, it brings up too much stuff, feeling so afraid he won't really come, feeling so much emphasis around the wound of Him not coming back. Giving him an ultimatum that if he does not plan on coming or want to come then I don't want to relate to him anymore, I do not like having my heart played with. And I pushed him away out of self-protection, directing all of my violent might at him and other maos. But then you know, today he came back and started responding to all that stuff, which I did not even expect him to do to be honest, still holding in all of that pain. I felt him and pushed on him with my foot, like a comfortable habit, of playfully pushing someone away, we played with the stuff that was coming up for me in a way that felt really safe...and

As I pushed my foot at him, telling him to back off, I felt him, as if my foot hit his body, softy, pressing into his thigh. It was a very visceral experience, to feel myself astrally push on someone and feel so strong a response of push back. He helped me feel into it in detail, moving his body forward to feel his boundaries, the natural boundaries of his body, the other, not self. I could feel the squish of his flesh, his light furry fluffs, his muscle and then a sense of his solidness. He was telling me how feeling these boundaries, and this push back from him was helping me clearly define and see him better. Creating the experience of him feeling more with me, more present, clearer to see, and feel. I felt him hinting at and saying see I am real, I am coming back to you right now, and we are working on coming together and meeting one another. I have boundaries, refluxes and reactions to you too, its a dance. His body communicated to me, you know maybe I do not like you pressing into my thigh like this anymore, and he acted to make himself more comfortable by moving to take my foot up to his chin, reaching in to kiss my foot, and progress his lips down my leg. This gesture certainly opened up my boundaries and I noticed, melting me a bit, softening under his influence. Bodies pressing together, becoming clearly defined. I felt him pulling on me, and I felt my resistance. Gently pulling away, taught with tender apprehension.  Extracting honey from the wounds. That is what comes when we come together, and press into these tender places, the dark unknown places within us/between. "I am not going to push past your boundaries, unreachable places, he said," reminding me it's not wise, not time. But still he came close to the edge, and with the consensual authority I gave to him, dipped his fingers into me as if dipping them into a still deep sacred spring. We paused allowing my body to breath, receiving his gentle assertion. I felt myself squeezing around him, and his fingers gently curling around me too. He got into me, the only one I let in, who can get in to these very little places. I saw him refreshing himself in me, in my sacred hidden springs, patting his face with the water, with my wetness. To tell me I really respect, and love this place, that you draw me to, that also feels so hidden and kept away, thank you for letting me in. He started sensually pressing into pressure points in my energy body, evoking me to open in pleasure and give in more to subspace. As I write this now, some parts of me are like argh you got into me! But in the moment I felt thanks for your erotic wisdom, your receptive safe touch and your assertive influence.  He started pulling me to feeling that love I have for maos, the appreciation for the masculine that feels good and can help me heal.

I started tripping more about group work with all of us. We had a good conversation about his role, over seeing many bodies in motion and healing, our relationship within his role, how it weaves with other maos. It lead me to feel the spiraling void in my womb, and the pullings of everything and everyone on it. Started to draw me into all of these sore dark places, being pulled into healing. I started to move into his familiar edges and boundaries, the places where he feels angry, grumpy, spiky, absent. The places in him he protects from others, and also has a hard time opening to receive within him. I love those parts so much. I loved them in the other, and I loved them in me. And I loved how we met with them together with reverence for one another. We talked about long walks into the future, the process of becoming, through our pushes and pulls together, coming back to right timing again, feeling the dance of opening up together (through contracting away and coming closer), to create a shared reality. I started feeling trust again with him, with Him, with them. And that feeling lead into making these yummy mung bean cookies with friends! Grounding these trippy experiences into hand made pleasure, home and family  <3 Theme of the day, opening up more to the divine masculine, and sharing the sweets.


  1. Meowww! I really felt this. I love your work with boundaries, physically weaving them with nature, talking to the earth about them, that's so beautiful! I really resonate with this:

    "these parts of me have just felt so used, so entered into so many times, they have been afraid boundaries are not even real or will never be taken seriously."

    That really hit me in places that feel especially tender today, because I was dreaming about my mao in the dark place this morning, and woke up feeling super angry and sad and uncomfortable. Will write more about that.

    When you said this, I almost teared up, because it's what these wounded parts of me want so badly to feel, and they can feel how other parts of me have it so completely with my mao and that makes them really really sad:

    "I felt very loved by the masculine in that moment, to be creating my boundaries in intuitive flow and dance with the world."

    And then your whole exchange with KH was so exquisite, it felt so good to read about it, and it gave these parts of me hope that they can heal and feel that loving masculine touch (even though they still feel so angry and wounded by it right now). And I loved this part:

    "Extracting honey from the wounds. That is what comes when we come together, and press into these tender places, the dark unknown places within us/between."

    That's what my mao is trying to do with me, taking me to these dark and painful places between us. In that last few days, before this dream that woke up all of these things in me today, I was feeling into this from a more detached place: noticing the ways that our unhealed dark place trauma is keeping us apart in certain key ways. And how painful that is in itself, and how hard it is to bear, to be kept apart from him by my own wounds, the parts of me that hold him at arm's length even as other parts of me are reaching for him with all my force. But we're working on extracting honey from the wounds. It's hard when I don't feel like I have ritual space I can go into, and I feel pulled out into work and school and everything. Want to talk to you about it, Isabella <3 <3 <3

    1. Awwww yeah, I hear you! ritual space is so needed. Sigh. That is definitely the feeling I was working with, reaching for him and also keeping at arm's length, yep. But those are sacred boundaries, and lessons to be learned, for all of us. And we can do it, because we really do carry that love that can bring us together. <3 shishkabobs! It is intense, but also beautiful. Interestingly I was feeling your mao in a dark place today too, unfurling out, actually feeling an intersection between us (you, me, him as if sensing another life when we were together and something played out) There is a lot of honey in there! mmmmmmmm it is good. Love you. I love your deep places, I think they are beautiful and it is okay to feel them little bits at a time, integrate them slowly. Been missing you, feeling us as family, glad you responded. There is something in me reaching out <3<3<3

  2. I am also feeling I really want you, I want to bring to ritual space, I want to meet you there, I am reaching for you. That is what is coming up. I was thinking about us cleaning and mopping the ritual center at indralaya today, how sparkling clean it was! Just really missing that connection, and how funnily we just fell into deep ritual space by consuming way to much weed butter we could not even move hahaha. I think our inner selves are in ritual space, working things out. Let' talk, think of ways that we could create space for this stuff where we are now, or where you are in san diego, so at least these parts can feel held on this plane.

  3. I love the reimagining of boundaries beyond occupying space. The working with cyclical relations. Not sure what that looks like yet, but I like it.

    I just wrote about feeling it hard to connect to your "cosmic" musings and big mao stuff, but upon rereading am actually really appreciating how you weave in the material pieces of your journey. Like gardening. And the cookies. The coookiessss look so good lol.

    I like the living fence. Beautiful living borders, yes. I feel like I am also exploring what healthy defenses look like, after having such unhealthy ones from trauma, including the one where I run away really fast from everything - myself, the present, my pain, maos too probably. Reading your account of how Nature talks about defense is building on conversation with A and making me wonder - if there is natural "fight" and natural "freeze" (where animals freeze in the face of danger so as not to be noticed), what is natural "flight"? Of course, running away. Maybe I need to find my way to ways of running that feel good. Now I want to go out and run. Of course this week is super hot weather.

    <3 <3 <3 for healing the masculine and coming into more balanced, reciprocal, conscious relationship with them where we can re-pattern how we perceive them and find ways to let them in.

    Rambly comment, just how all of it's coming out today. I love you Isabella.

    1. <3 <3 <3 thanks for the comment love.

      Also, no pressure to ever comment! Do like to hear about how you feel though and love the conversational blogging happening between us.


Documenting my process of working with fear

I feel so weepy. So tired, so wretched, so heartbroken, but soft and strong below that. I'm going to do an Isabella suggested practice. ...