Thursday, April 2, 2020

Feeling very funny...

Feeling very funny...waiting for my professor to show up for our virtual office hours. Feeling so funny about school in general, life, health, money...intertwining systems of oppression...not sure how to talk about what's going on with me, even on here, much less with somebody I don't know as well.

I've been finding myself missing Port Townsend. It's a like a deep ache in my body, for that land, that beautiful numinous liminal space...but then feeling how the people who get to sink into that space and really enjoy it and connect to that land are mostly white and carrying problematic cultures with them. Which is maybe why it always felt so close but so far away, that magic energy of that place. I felt so connected to it on my own, in my own inner spaces and my own ways; and then I would come into contact with groups of people, families and communities, that seemed to be living together in sacred connection to the land, but there was always something missing, something not quite right, that meant I couldn't actually lean fully into those communal spaces and receive that connection. And it was so hard, to feel it and be apart from it. But while the land of Port Townsend was nurturing me so deeply, and while there were people who treated me with love and kindness, the human element of that place ended up overarchingly being so toxic to me. And that settler culture has been so toxic to the land, too, and so continuously cruel to its Indigenous people; how to navigate white spaces that are trying to find other ways to live, but which still have so much unexamined baggage? When we all live in this milieu of unexamined colonial baggage, which is the legacy of European suffering projected onto the rest of the world? The white folks in PT are trying in their own ways to heal from that original wound, which is so necessary. But that culture still denies space to those of us who can't play by its rules, can't ignore the undercurrents of pain that still run in the soil.

But I miss the land. I'm happy to be here in the sun, but I miss that tremendous magic of sheltered green earth and wet sky and wild wind. I miss the lights over the water and the clock tower and the flowers in the gardens. I miss that brief period when I had some happiness there and was full of wonder, even as the shadows were creeping in...I just finished re-reading Sabriel, by Garth Nix, and it brought me so viscerally back to the time period when I was first reading it, which was this brief glorious moment when I was starting to feel the power in me but before it was sideswiped by darkness from inside and out. I miss that time. I miss that family. I miss those friends. I feel so broken into pieces in washed up by the tide of my life.

But I wouldn't go back, not really. And I still carry the light of that time in my heart, in my bones. I had a window of magical opportunity to connect with my soul and with maos and it was beautiful. Then I had to descend into the dark place and reclaim those memories in this life. And I did. And I'm still doing it.

Descending...feeling that pressure....feeling that pull. Feeling the tide trying to turn. Feeling it turn in me. Feeling all the despair and hope and despair and hope...wondering how it will feel when I emerge out of this cocoon. Wondering what I'm doing here right now. Sometimes it all feels fruitless. Sometimes I just want my mao with all my being and I can't feel anything else. Sometimes I wonder if I am who I think I am, or if the world of forms is right after all...sometimes I wonder if it even matters. These days I'm feeling so full of confusion so much of the time, pulled in all directions. Missing PT and not believing that I'm missing PT. But it's not PT that I'm's that time. That time when I could feel so clearly the pull of the wild, of the Mother, of the maos...and it was in me and I was in it. And it was all around me. And right now I feel stagnant and energyless in a world that wasn't made for me.

I dreamed about my mao...

I could feel him holding me

I can feel him so close and present these days, too, even as I'm struggling with all of this doubt, which feels like such a strange dichotomy. Like in some ways I'm closer than ever to him, and in some ways I feel farther than ever? It's very weird.

I've also been feeling my brother, SO close and sooooo feeling the presence of someone you know so well, and knowing they're just in the next room. But then the parts of me that are so full of doubt get really worked up, because my brother actually showing up would prove everything to be real. And those parts of me feel uncomfortable believing that that will happen. And then other parts of me think, don't we already have proof that this is all real? Don't we get more proof all the time? Will there ever actually come a time when there will be enough "proof" to convince these parts of myself, or is it not really about that? Do these parts that doubt need something else? Healing? Understanding?

And is it the same for humanity? I think about the early days of the TS, when HBP and other maos and kittens were doing all kinds of phenomena to "prove" the existence of maos and of extraordinary powers latent in humanity...and they convinced some people, but others remained determined to find any excuse not to believe. Even to the point of actually manufacturing "evidence" that HBP was really just using trickery and sleight of hand. So what good is proof and evidence, when the reality won't convince some people and the unreality can be manipulated so readily?

When I start going down that rabbit hole I start going over my own "proof" in the my head...the way that I woke up to all of this, the fact that I was talking to my mao before I even knew who he was, which feels like it wouldn't happen if it was just glamour. It feels like the glamour versions of maos are very tied up with specific ideas about who they are. And my experience wasn't like that at all. I was having all of these mao feelings and memories and experiences way before I knew what they the time in the Roerich museum when I was 12, or even when I was a tiny boo and I was climbing up bookshelves to get at the Agni Yoga books, before I could even read or had any idea what they were about.

And then I think about how Tessa woke up to maos, without very much prompting or leading or guiding or anything on my part. I just gave her some books and talked about esoteric philosophy in really general terms, not at all trying to make her believe in anything. And then Dancing in the Shadows of the Moon just found her on its own, and then...when I was missing my mao and she asked me what I was feeling and I said I was missing....someone....and she knew who it was, before I even said it. Either we're having a very coherent and frankly telepathic simultaneous delusion, oooooor this is real.

And then Isabella!

And you were like "awww who are you missing, Tessa?"

And she was like " mao...."

And you were like "Oh yes, I can see him, let me go talk to him" and then that shit EXPLODED lollll

And seriously could we all be making that up? That whole thing? Both of those waking ups resulted in sudden very big changes in our lives. Don't think that comes out of nowhere.'s been an interesting day. My Professor and I never connected, we got our Zoom links crossed. Oh well.

And I decarboxylated a bunch of weed (baked it to activate the THC) so I could make drinks with it and not have to smoke and DANG that shit is potent! I've underestimated it two days in a row now, lol. So I've spent most of the afternoon trippin'. And I can feel maos and I can feel the changes going on and I can feel so much...trying not to be overwhelmed by it. Trying to stay with it and let things flow. Shakti running through me...needing to move. We had a really excellent conversation with fenix today, it felt so good and nourishing and healing, about how we're moving through these times and working through our traumas and healing our ancestors.

Changing the codes in my DNA, changing the codes in my DNA
Singing the song that is changing our bones
Changing the codes
Singing it everywhere.

It's okay to change, be lost.
It's okay to stay strong or be weak
It's okay to lose sleep
It's okay to be tired
It's okay to be wired
It's okay to be sad
It's okay to be filled with awe
Let it all in

It's changing us, this messenger.
It's changing our codes, our DNA
It's changing our bones, our mechanisms
For change it's changing our
Understanding of Life
It's changing the way we see each other
It's moving us onward
And we're about to find out
What's next


;D Alia


  1. Hahaha this is adorable and by no means do I say that to in anyway discredit that swirling motion of sorting out. Wait what is real? Uncertainty. Is any of this real? Surely it is! It is a whirlwind of emotions your are grounding in. I say adorable because I feel you swirling here you are, sure as ever, I feel it I see it, even when you yearn and long for your mao. Call in your knowing, affirm your reality throughout time. Your not “convincing” yourself, your contextualizing, organizing and assimilating once again in the turn of the spiral and I see your soul saying weeeeee! I’m at it again I am moving, dreaming, feeling calling with creative fire. And maybe you feel you are dreaming of other times other places but you pull them to you now. Which I see is being that nexus of energy your mao was talking about. Right now you are connecting and having to meet others who are really in this material realm, and maybe only know it, operate in it. Whilst having to balance the energy pouring through you, your soul and all it’s attached to, it’s stories. Can you believe it, that is not even the point really. You ground it because you are catalyzed to do do, because you cannot help it and your growing new abilities to sink even deeper into this world. It does not have to look a certain way either, does it matter now when everything is changing and there will be no going back to “normal.”

    I just got off the phone with a good friend who read my Saturn return and we had a good talk I am still savoring. They were saying something about nostalgia for the old ways, how people are wanting to go back into comfort, back into normal and missing out on the amazing opportunity that the new brings. We don’t even know sometimes she we are looking backwards in how it used to be, but the field is available and ripe right now for our creative desire to take root, for your calling to add to the creation of this new cycle of our living systems. So much bigger than we know, they reminded me that our sun is moving into into a phase of more intense galactic weather. Forgot the exact astrological terms they used but it reminded me of how we are synthesizing galactic patterns and are very held. Just like you are in these very Aquarian electrical transformative times. Just like you are held by your Mao, I feel your trust your knowing that you are downloading energy from him, from maos and grounding it and are like yes I got this, and I am excited. While your human is like oh yeah let me then do the work of moving shifting and and evolving with humanity. I’m seeing like a benefit for your soul extending into these material ways of being through school work and school community in these shifting times. Because maybe more you are also being called to really challenge and let go of old patterns of being, knowing, even learning. And taking the risk of grounding yourself, your needs, your pattern and saying hey I’m co creating with you world, let’s work together.

  2. Let the playful, curious, wild Alia renew you in these times! I mean you are! It’s visible! That time is now shifting into this one, they are indivisible, how does the wild mother mao connected alia deepen their life force in these times, or just how do they want to?

    I am feeling called to let go of what I believe is possible or not, especially in terms of maos externalizing. Just like these systems crumbling we need a smooth transition, and it is coming, it is coming by how close you feel them, it is coming by the dichotomy discomfort propelling you to write this post, get it out. Renewing your contacts, and connections now. I have been feeling asked for a while now to let go of my object of desire reality with maos, instead of saying I want them in this way, I see it this way, this will be the way it is, I am saying hey I know you exist, I exist, we connect all of the time, what will we create together, right now, in this moment, for the benefit of the world, for the growth of our souls. Always staying in the fresh, resisting narrowing our contact, and our reality merging. Challenging to carrying multiple realms/realities but oh so possible and we are only evolving to be better at it.

    We are refreshing our lenses. Uncertainly may take the guise of disarray, but also sharpens, and strengthens our creative muscles, fine tunes are communicative abilities, to feel into what we need, what are we asked to open in terms of possibilities.

    "And right now I feel stagnant and energyless in a world that wasn't made for me."

    Trust that you are here for a reason, and you were called here. Trust even this belief crumbles and must within you, within all of us. Trust that you have creative power and you can ask for it to come and shift reality with you, that you are not powerless, that you belong here as does your perception, you wisdom, and you nexus of energies. Trust your process is beautiful and can take any shape form and time and is limitless and no one can pin it down, its your power. That is that wild mother, that creating shakti moving in the spirit of Divine Will, always in flow with what is calling underneath, the Void, the indivisible world cry. Tap into it, it is calling you back. You are important.

    listen to your creative power and know you are making this world. This is a real opportunity to allow potential

  3. Realized I never commented on this. So much love for everything you're exploring here, from land griefs to your own memories to what "proof" of maos and the plan looks like. You know what it looks like? What we're all doing here. It looks like beautiful, messy, DNA-changing processes of healing and reclaiming and articulating and synthesizing <3 <3


Documenting my process of working with fear

I feel so weepy. So tired, so wretched, so heartbroken, but soft and strong below that. I'm going to do an Isabella suggested practice. ...