Friday, April 3, 2020

Altcorp Starts Now

How do we tie together everything we’re doing? Core Philosophy and Working Softer and Rituals of Remembrance (just made that name up, I think it’s awesome :D). Restorying the Root is also part of this, so let’s think about that too. And anti-capitalist marketing strategies, however we end up weaving those in.

What connects all these?

The first thing that comes to my mind is: they are all reaching for paradigm shifts, for Another Way. That’s a concept I’ve long felt a connection to, because my name in latin means Another, and Alia Via means Another Way.

I’m feeling like this might be the direction we want to go, or at least an umbrella concept we can use to tie everything together. Another World Is Possible, that kind of thing...and how can we each contribute to building that new world, in our own individual and collective ways? Through knowing our Core Philosophies, our core services that we can offer as individuals, and bringing those gifts together in community Rituals of Remembrance (remembering who we are, what our gifts are, why they matter), while making sure to dismantle practices of systemic oppression through Working Softer, Restorying the Root, and Reaching for Connection as a marketing strategy. Ummmm yes!

And SCT ties into this through the Rituals of Remembrance, we bring SCT principles to life through ritual, and use rituals that are themselves SCT experiences to co-create SCT stories we can put out into the world...and we weave trauma literacy and trauma healing into everything we do.

What do you two think about all that? I’m really seeing that all of our work is connected, and Tessa I think that one of the things we’re running into in not feeling clear about our Core Philosophy work is that it’s actually much bigger than just that, it’s connected to this WHOLE THING, which we’ve known but I think haven’t fully embraced in a concrete, running-our-business sort of way.

And Isabella, our work with you, and Tessa and your work with Restorying the Root, is absolutely an essential part of this. You are our business partner too! In your own way, in a way that feels good and resonant. We all need each other to do this.

And Tessa, I’m realizing as I write this that our whole business up until this point has been us dipping our toes into externalization, and trying to find ways to convince ourselves that we can actually put our real work out into the world. And now I think it’s time. It’s time to recognize that what we’re creating here, right now, with THIS business that we’re running, is….Altcorp. It’s the really, truly the beginning of Altcorp, which means that in order to actually do it, we need to recognize that and lean into it fully. It’s not just Core Philosophy. It’s not just anti-capitalist marketing. It’s not just Working Softer and Restorying the Root. All of these things are ONE THING: and that thing is our business. We need to look up from the details and see the whole picture.

I know it feels a little overwhelming to think of it that way, which is why we’ve needed to warm up to it sort of piece-meal and one thing at a time. But I think we’re not only ready, the world is becoming ready. The world needs ALL of us, everything that we have to give, and they need us to start putting it together into a coherent externalized vision right now. And we can do it. We have that capacity. We have everything we need. And it will actually really HELP us to see this all as a whole, and to brand it under the umbrella of Finding Another Way.

And we can start laying our our vision, all the different parts of it and what they entail, and we can use THAT to start scheduling our time and finding ways to use it wisely. Because we’ll be excited about that. We’ll know why it’s important. We’ll know that everything we’re doing is DIRECTLY connected to our larger vision for changing the world. The time is now.

And we will lay the foundations of Altcorp, and we will start by producing bite-sized, experiential pieces of our vision that can make us money now and be the foundation of our business. OUR REAL BUSINESS, the one we have always been working up to. That’s what it’s always been. That's what it is now.

Alright yes! Let’s get ready to rumble!!!

And Isabella, I think we need your input as we sketch out this Altcorp roadmap and look at how all these different pieces come together. And I would LOVE to have all three of us brainstorm and explore and talk about how we could start weaving in regularly scheduled time to work on externalizing these things that most matter to us.

This blog is actually an important piece of it, I think. We need to be tuned into to each other’s needs and feelings and wants and day-to-day lives. Then we can start seeing how we can build supportive structures around manifesting our dreams.

And trauma work is a HUGE part of it - all three of us need to understand and communicate with each other about our specific trauma patterns around work, productivity, doing, money, etc...and we need to learn to recognize the ways that our trauma patterns trigger each other and find ways to gently work with them. Working Softer is so much about all that, so I would offer that maybe, in a regularly scheduled situation, we should start from a Work Softer place, exploring and working on that, and using that as our foundation for figuring out how to do everything else. And Restorying the Root, too - I’m realizing that these two things are actually much more foundational for our entire vision than how we’ve been treating them. The Root is the literal foundation! Of course we have to start there!

Mmmmmmm yessss this is gonna be so good

Also, I think that is the three of us were all on board with some kind of regular working together schedule, founded on a deep place of honoring our needs and nourishing us, it could feel really joyful and pleasurable to connect and work in this way, and that would be us putting into practice Work Softer principles and reaping the awesome benefits - which would give us more and more to work with in helping other people.

This is it, y’all! Let’s rise to the occasion, root into the soil of our beings, and GET TO WORK in the nicest most wonderful sustainable nourishing way we can possibly imagine <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Love from maos and Alia! Lolll


  1. Sounds good I love your enthusiasm! We need that first ray energy, thanks for spear heading the movement and synthesizing these things together! I will meet you where I am at, I am enjoyable in a place of deep shadow work, but I feel sober, present, clear and like I have much to offer from this place. That root place :) I like the feeling this gives me of lets pick up this planet and go, it makes me feel happy. yes that is what we are doing, and it is woven together with everything, even our states of feeling inertia, hindered, or in dark places. All connected, interwoven!

  2. I also really appreciate this sense of belonging I feel, I feel so invited in and a part of this altcorp vision birthed between ya'll and that makes me very happy. This blog is really important, I feel very tied to it, and am working on a post to share with ya'll which feels very connected to this, and maos, and the work they have been doing since moving through HPB.

  3. Yaaaaay I love you Isabella and I'm happy you feel good about this energy! I'm feeling much more inertia today, lol, but it helps to see you recognize that all of our states of being have meaning and purpose in this process. I want to work with both of you to find rituals and rhythms that we can find and follow and feel held by, that surrounds our work and serve its manifestation...sometimes that feels harder than other times, but I think it can be beautiful and good. And we need you Isabella!! You are such an important part of this. Carrying the Root. We need your deep knowing <3 <3 <3

  4. Also I'm super excited to read your post :D And I really feel how important this blog is too, how Tessa literally made it so we can have a record as we "co-create Altcorp and bring the threads together", and then that's exactly what came through me in this good! So real! So helpful! Yaaaay!

  5. *Deep breath* this is all really amazing, thank you Alia for naming things and laying this out. It is so exciting to think that we are actually at the stage of starting to see the threads weave together. As I said to you last night, that subtitle for the blog really just came out of me, and I wasn't sure about it, but now I see it was just part of the mao impression that inspired this whole platform flowing through me.

    I've been feeling so funny and have been working through so much anxiety about doing our work in the world, mostly because it doesn't look at all like what people expect. Or what I have been conditioned to expect. But I am trusting that this funniness and uncertainty I'm experiencing are, like Isabella is saying, all part of what we're doing and healing and figuring out.

    Will post soon about Projector stuff that might help all of us feel more able to bring all this together and maybe figure out rituals and rhythms, too. Love the seeds we are planting for figuring out our interweaving work together. Love you both <3 <3


Documenting my process of working with fear

I feel so weepy. So tired, so wretched, so heartbroken, but soft and strong below that. I'm going to do an Isabella suggested practice. ...