Thursday, October 8, 2020

Moon chain

     Been wanting to write about this for a while, but the topic seemed to crash upon me like a wave and take me in the undertow. Possibly because I love and respect the mystery of it so much, more likely my perfectionism was getting in the way. It is a topic I want to honor, as I honor the separation wounds from which we evolve. It is a topic that is vast and deep, which permeates everything. It is the foundation of our emergence, and truly the patterns of the moon chain show up in all cultures great myths in some way or another. It is a topic I can make no conclusions about and say this is it, a polished nice package. is a mythos in the making, we recreate it again and again and keep watching it evolve through our deepest wounds and relations. Everyone has a part of the story to continue and grow from. But here is what I know sourced from inner experiences, Alice Bailey books, and HPB. 

    Before the Earth there was the Moon. Our Moon is said to be but a shell of what is really was, a vibrant sphere of life, where beings had the opportunity to venture, relate, grow and learn with one another. The Moon chain was the evolutionary track that this planet was intended to progress through, as part of a cyclic development within our solar system. But this planet played out a pattern that I feel comes from another place in the galaxy that greatly disrupted our solar system.  What is said to have happened on this Moon planet was that the misuse of power over a certain center ( which I feel is the sacral/sex center of the planet) created such an out of balance that the Solar logos had to arrest this part of itself. Much like a trauma that collapses some part of us, the moon chain collapsed and no longer could support life on this sphere and so was destroyed to be re-opened in a new way, to be healed at another level of maturation. Unfortunately this planet was dissolved before the feminine aspect was able to fully grow to reunite with the masculine aspect of the planet and left us with a deep scar, like a residual separation wound from the moon chain Mother.

    I must add that this "separation" between these polarities is common throughout the entire galaxy which we exist in but is not exactly experienced as it was on the moon chain. There is a larger being from which we exist within, and this being sent a part of itself out to open deeper levels of dimensions so that it could expand and grow. So within these polarities one expanded upwards (evolutionary) and one expanded downwards (involutionary). They expand a part, and then through their magnetic connection, contract to reunite and then grow through a stabilization process that allows them to hold the balance.  This reuniting and stabilization process did not get to happen on the moon chain because it was disrupted. And this occurrence on the moon chain is also a manifestation what also happened to the involutionary aspect of this great being we exist in. Because within this larger Being, the Mother principle expanded so far out of reach that in a sense it had forgotten it was there. Which plays out on the moon chain, the beings not feeling in tune or connected with the kundalini aspect of the planet manipulated and misused this power center. Sound familiar? We have inherited this pattern. But we can also do something with it, that was not able to happen on the moon chain, we can reunite these polarities, feel this union, process and learn from our mistakes. And truly we can do this because of humanity, because of our bodies that can feel, reflect, process and grow. We have evolved to resolve this, so that we can all expand. 

    So what happened after the moon chain dissolved was that the beings who had been evolving on this planet moved over to this one, and the Earth chain slowly started to come into form. It was as if this Earth was made from the material of the moon chain, but created with a new intention and that was to reunite these polarities and heal from this collapse trauma. What this left us with though was this deep pain in the Mother of this planet, like an old deep stain of a feeling that She had been totally lost from her beloved, and would not be able to reunite. And this created a wider gap between the polarities, since she dissolved with this experience of not reuniting, which left her closing up in a sense of anger, grief, in failure, in fearful hopelessness. In the gap though is also the material for redemption which is a key note of our planet. But this is also why our planet is called the sphere of suffering.  Because it the body of the planet, within all of us, is this deep wound of disconnection. 

    This great misery and agony built in our foundation is also why this planet is one in which we are developing love and wisdom. This redemption is the Heart (humanity) growing from the experience of loss, it becomes conscious through our suffering and in our need for healing. The trauma of the moon chain has been recreated by us on the Earth chain to have context for us to also evolve and heal it. 

     For example, in my soul story I came to this planet with SK. We came knowing the story of the moon chain and we came united as one with the intention to help heal it and hold the resolve. I am the part of him that he seeded into this Earth to act as his receptive center, like a concentration of his energy anchored into this planet. In this process we reenacted the initial separation of the moon chain. Meaning he moved off of this planet as the evolutionary force expanding, and I stayed here rooting deep within it as the involutionary aspect merging with the Mother/Matter of this planet. And in merging with these patterns we experienced this long separation and I accepted this isolation without him...most of my evolution has been without him until now. It felt as if this separation from the moon chain was deposited in me and through that process I am now able allow it to redeem. Really it is deposited into all of us, like a fractal pattern working itself out. I actually would not have been able to come back to him without help. I think both of your souls have helped this process because you two have moved into these patterns with your maos, dancing into these patterns with a feeling of union which creates a new experience to be available. We are working on a multidimensional evolutionary ladder to create a new story, and that is how we heal and transition out of that trauma. And the whole collective is doing this in many ways. As we move through our initiations we are able to integrate more of our own soul's journey, and every time someone moves into an initiation we all grow a little bit more, moving us out of the patterns of the moon chain, until they became fainter, until they become totally transformed into something new. This is the world growing!

Ok there is so much more, but I just got so sleepy. So I will continue at another time. <3 Feel free to add to the story! Perhaps next I would like to talk about the evolutionary arc and the rise to redemption. Also I wrote this really matter of fact but its just a creation story passed onto us, like all stories do with it what you will, make it yours. 


Now I am thinking about how the residual suffering of the moon chain shows up today in our systems of oppression. Right now in this time period I see it showing up in white supremacy, specifically how this need to dominate and conquer comes back to a deep disconnection between the mind, heart and belly. A deep disconnection in white culture from our feelings, and bodies. This same kind of numbness happened on the moon chain. Those beings were not able to feel and respond to the harm being done to the whole system. The same things happen now too in our over industrialization, how we interact with the Earth and Nature spirits. How we deplete the Earth and fight over natural resources. This deep survival wound of feeling like we never have enough resources also springs from the moon chain planetary failure. We are still healing this severance wound from the Mother and from life, it shows up in our ancestral attachment wounds. There is a much bigger picture and these patterns are something that our solar system is helping to solve for the galaxy. Hope, love, beauty out of friction, we create this here, we become aware of it, and this is something as we evolve we get to share and offer other parts of the universe! We are figuring out some good shit on Earth. 

And yes these same patterns come back again, but we are also growing from them like we have never been able to before. I know this because the conditions on the Earth at this time are allowing for the Mother to heal these old wounds that have been locked up and frozen this entire time. Evolution happens slowly here it seems but over all in the whole scheme of the solar system it is just on time. Which helps me as I look back at my journal entries from a year ago and see how I am working on the exact same things, only slight variances...

Anyway, go Earth chain team! xoxo

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