Sunday, May 17, 2020

Update and highlights from the Waterfall House

Mostly a photo post! Just to share some of the late spring sweetness. It has been a interesting few weeks. On the morning of Wesak Sassy in her protective mama mode ran into the house and tried to attacked Ralph. I naively got into the middle of the cat fight, and got a pretty wounded paw and now i am on antibiotics tending wounds, inner and outer, nurturing the hurt parts of my soul and learning lots about boundaries!

Speaking of which here is an update on the fence! I am having fun working on it. It is bringing me back to the pleasure of making art again, that feeling of getting in flow and just creating with my hands. It has been a long time since I have worked like this, since now the main focus is inner work with maos. But this project is becoming a synthesis of both of these things and is helping me feel that working on boundaries can be really fun and enjoyable. I am letting myself dream about boundaries and how I want make them both inner and out. I am dreaming in my external garden I want some parts of the boundary created by stringing colored flags or pieces of shiny fabric. Maybe like my own version of prayer flags to create sacred space and deter deer. In my inner garden where I find myself meeting the edges of others and their sensitive parts I am playing with planting rose bushes in my imagination, creating boundaries with love and respect in the places of shared wounding. Bringing play to boundary making is helping me let go of feeling afraid of other people's reactions, sensitivities and triggers and want to meet others with care. Mostly working with maos though who keep telling me to respect their boundaries which makes me want to step up and learn what that really can mean for us as a group. Moving to be curious, playful and responsible.

Passion flowers are blooming, spinach is growing, Ralph is becoming an old cat.

Today he met this baby for the first time

This baby is so rollie pollie, that is what everyone is calling him. Rollie, Rollo, Rollio, I like the name Robin Rollie Pollie but we will see, still meeting this lil fluffy. It's so little, only 6 weeks old and everything is so new and big for them. Slowly introducing them to my home. Ralph was really sweet with him, and batted at him to play, but for Rollie this was a lot to process and he immediately just fell asleep lol which I think made Ralph feel extra chill about him. Ralph was giving him the peaceful I accept you sweet blinky cat eyes. 

Baby figs!

The Goddess hole

And if you look really close... a snail slurping it up!

And here is another little thing, me! A selfie treat from a kinky erotic self love photo shoot I took of me exploring the little inside of me. Slowly integrating and externalizing this part of me from the dark place. Letting myself get really into age play. Getting to know this aspect of my arousal and submissive self, allowing it to have space and feel my (sexy) inner child. Which kind of feels taboo sometimes, but you know, being a human is very complex. 

Okay, that is all for now!

<3 Isabella


  1. Omg this is the sweetest post, thank you for sharing your life with us! I know, our kitties are getting to be old cats! So weird because we definitely still treat them like kittens. But Roly Poly is the cuuuutest and Alia is freaking out about not being able to visit in time to witness their kittenhood, haha. Maybe we can have a kitten Zoom or Facetime sometime!

    Your photos really make me miss the waterfall house. So much love to you and your little erotic boo self - the sweetest! Being a human is very complex indeed. I agree with you.

    I like your thorny handmade plant boundaries, outside & inside. I miss working with my hands in the dirt. Our apartment here is so perfect, except for the fact that we don't have a garden. We have already been dreaming up all the fruit trees we want to plant in our next abode, haha. (Fig, lemon, orange, mango, loquat...)

    Missing all of that earthy sacredness you live with, glad you are savoring it deeply <3 <3 <3

  2. Also I like Robin Rollie Pollie! That or Roo, or Ripple (Rip for short), or Rollish. Lol I am strange. I want a kitten to name!

  3. oh my god Rollish! <3 endless riffs off of Roll for sure...maybe sometimes just Rolls. Definitely an R name to match with Ralph. Ripple is also cute!


Documenting my process of working with fear

I feel so weepy. So tired, so wretched, so heartbroken, but soft and strong below that. I'm going to do an Isabella suggested practice. ...